LEI Issuance Continues To Rise Globally

By Cheron Hampton-Bates, 29 October 2018

Legal Entity Identifiers, a set of unique alpha-numeric codes that identity legal entities globally, were mandated under new European Union regulations but issuance is expected to continue to increase as they are used in other jurisdictions and across more asset classes. MiFID II, which came into force in the European Union in January this year, […]

In Banking More Than Half of Salespeople Spend Almost 30% of Their Work Week Onboarding New Client Organizations

By Cheron Hampton-Bates, 16 October 2018

GLEIF proposes a standardized way forward on the challenges of entity identification in financial services based on their new research findings: 57% senior salespeople in banking spend more than a day and a half of their week onboarding new client organizations, according to research findings published by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). They […]

LEI can bring a true breakthrough in the way US Federal Government identifies businesses.

By Cheron Hampton-Bates, 15 October 2018

In a fresh new report, published by the Data Foundation and the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), we see a very deep exploration of the needs by the U.S. federal agencies to adopt a universal entity identification system. The report reveals that the U.S. federal government uses about 50 distinct identification schemes – and […]