Level 1
Type Name Definition
Address An address is a geographical location of Legal Entity. It is specified by providing information about country, subdivision, city, street or postal code. Legal Entity can have many addresses: the address of legal formation, the address of the headquarters of the entity and others. The role of the address of the legal entity is specified by object properties such as :hasLegalAddress and :hasHeadquartersAddress.
EntityCategory Indicates the category of entity. These categories are based on use cases specified in LEI-ROC policies, found at http://www.leiroc.org/list/leiroc_gls/index.htm
EntityExpirationReason A legal entity expiration reason is a reason that a legal entity ceased to exist and/or operate.
EntityStatus A legal entity status is a status of the legal entity. There are two possible values of the status: "active" or "inactive". This is not to be confused with the status of the general legal entity identifier registration (see :RegistrationStatus). If a legal entity is related by :successorLegalEntity with other legal entity, then its legal entity status is the last status of the legal entity before this record was superseded. This status is not necessarily the current status of the legal entity.
LegalEntity Legal entity is a partnership, corporation, or other organization having the capacity to negotiate contracts, assume financial obligations, and pay off debts, organized under the laws of some jurisdiction. (FIBO) Legal entity is characterised in GLEIS by its reference data, enabling its identification.
The Entity container element contains the legal entity's reference data, enabling identification.
LegalEntityIdentifier A global legal entity identifier (GLEI) specifies identifier of the legal entity as maintained by a local operating unit (LOU). A complete registration of GLEI provides a unique 20-character alphanumeric code based on the ISO 17442 standard and attributes describing the registration of this GLEI with the LOU.
LocalOperatingUnit The LOU is a registration authority that is responsible for administering registration of LEIs.
RegistrationAuthority An identifier for the legal entity in a business registry in the jurisdiction of legal registration, or in the appropriate registration authority.
RegistrationStatus The status of the legal entity's LEI registration with the Managing LOU.
ValidationAuthority The (primary) registration authority used by the LOU to validate the entity data.
ValidationSource The level of validation of the reference data provided by the registrant.
Level 2
Type Name Definition
AccountingPeriod The dates in this instance of RelationshipPeriod indicate the accounting period covered by the most recent validation documents for this relationship.
DocumentFilingPeriod The dates in this instance of RelationshipPeriod indicate the validity period of a regulatory filing, accounting document, or other document demonstrating the relationship's validity.
LegalEntity The legal entity participating in the relationship.
LocalOperatingUnit The LOU that is responsible for administering this relationship record.
MeasurementMethod Specifies the method of measurement (or set of rules) used to quantitatively categorize the relationship.
RegistrationStatus The status of the legal entity's relationship record registration with the managing LOU.
Relationship It identifierstwo entities related by the reported relationship, as well as the type of relationship, dates related to the relationship and other relationship quantifiers and qualifiers.
RelationshipPeriod The dates in this instance of RelationshipPeriod indicate the duration of validity of the relationship itself, as distinct from any administrative or reporting aspects.
RelationshipPeriodType Contains start and end dates for a particular type of period, for example, the duration of the relationship itself, the filing or validity period of any documents demonstrating the relationship, or the accounting period they refer to.
RelationshipQualifier Any additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship.
RelationshipQualifierCategory Specifies the additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship.
RelationshipQualifierDimension Designates the optional list of additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship.
RelationshipQuantifier Any additional quantitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship.
RelationshipQuantifierUnit Specifies the units, where applicable, of a measurement made on a relationship.
RelationshipStatus The status of the legal entities' relationship itself: ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
RelationshipType A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities.
ValidationDocument Type of source document(s) used for validating the relationship.
ValidationSource Level of relationship validation.