A global legal entity identifier registration for an entity that has been merged into another legal entity, such that this legal entity no longer exists as an operating entity.
- After being issued an LEI, the entity is acquired by, or merged with, another legal entity;
- Per agreements among the parties to the transaction, the LEI of the acquired or merged entity will not be used to identify the surviving entity (or if a new entity is created that is issued a new LEI)
1. The leiRegistrationStatus is set to “MERGED”,
2. The LEI of the surviving/new legal entity is set in the successorLEI data element of (each) LEI registration that is no longer to be used;
3. The leiRecordLastUpdate is set to reflect the date of this update,
4. The EntityExpirationDate is also set to the date of this update,
5. The EntityExpirationReason is set to “CORPORATE_ACTION”,
6. The EntityStatus is set to “INACTIVE”; and
7. No further updates of the MERGED registration record(s) will occur.