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Wait a minute. Do you think the only benefit from having the LEI code is the satisfaction of the regulators and authorities? No! On the contrary, getting the LEI opens many exciting opportunities for your company you can’t miss!


We, at LEI.INFO, can help you to use them for the benefit of your business!


For example, when you register your LEI with us, you get free an option for ads that will be seen right along with your LEI record. You can acquire digital signatures and digital identifiers that will help you to raise the trust of your clients to the new heights. You can also get your addresses to be validated and cryptographically confirmed. Finally, we can offer multiple digital marketing services for you centered around your LEI!

Global trust and visibility Global trust and visibility
Free adds on your LEI page Free adds on your LEI page
LEI and Qualified Digital Signature LEI and Qualified Digital Signature
LEI and DID (Digital Identifier) LEI and DID (Digital Identifier)
Address validation services Address validation services

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in the context of LEI

What is LEI Data?

The LEI Data is a record containing reference data for the Legal Entity Identifier. It contains the fundamental identifying information about the legal entity including its place of business (headquarter address), legal address, its jurisdiction, registration information and more. It is expressed as an XML document or at LEI.INFO, as a semantic graph.

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What is a company LEI number?

A company LEI number is a 20 character code, created according to ISO-17442 standard that uniquely identifies the company (or any Legal Entity) on the global LEI System.
The code consists of:
• Four digits to identify the LOU (Local Operating Unit) that issued the LEI
• Two reserved characters
• Twelve digits that identify the legal entity
• Two checksum characters

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How do I find a legal entity name?

You can find the legal entity name using LEI.INFO search engine at Just type or paste the LEI code and in response you will get a data record that contains the legal entity name.

Why LEI number is required?

The LEI number is required because the institutions responsible for the regulation of financial industry require unambiguous mechanism for the identification of legal entities (e.g. companies) at the global level.

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Is LEI number mandatory?

Yes, for some companies the LEI is mandatory. It is the case for all companies that must comply with specific financial regulations like MiFiD / MiFiR, CRR, EMIR, SFTR in European Union or Dodd-Frank Act in the US.

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What IS LEI used for?

The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is used for unambiguous, global identification of legal entities, including companies. It is also used for retrieval of the basic data about the entity. For example, if you use the following URL: on the web, you can get the basic information about the company identified by LEI: 254900UIZS15MTA7H075.

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How do I find my LEI code?

You can go to LEI.INFO portal and type your company name in the search box. Then, you select your company name from the list and open the respective page by clicking on that list. The LEI code is displayed on the top of resulting page.

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What does a LEI mean?

LEI is the acronym for “Legal Entity Identifier”. The LEI is a 20 character code, created according to ISO-17442 standard that uniquely identifies your company (or any Legal Entity) on the global LEI System.

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How much does an LEI cost’?

The registration cost for Legal Entity Identifier is $80 on LEI.INFO.

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What is an LEI code?

The LEI number is a 20 character code, created according to ISO-17442 standard that uniquely identifies your company (or any Legal Entity) on the global LEI System.
The code consists of:
• Four digits to identify the LOU (Local Operating Unit) that issued the LEI
• Two reserved characters
• Twelve digits that identify the legal entity
• Two checksum characters

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What is LEI registration?

The LEI registration is a process of obtaining the LEI number for your company. The process includes the submission of details about your company, its registration identification from a business registry and making the payment for registration.

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What is the legal name of a company?

The Legal Name of the company is the name that appears in the registration database for the companies and it is also the fundamental identifier for your company in its jurisdiction:

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What is a Markit entity identifier?

The Markit Entity Identifier or MEI uniquely identifies entities in the loan market including counterparties, issuers, funds, sub-funds and borrowers. The primary objective of MEIs is to provide global coverage of entities in the loan market and their relationships.

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Do LEI numbers need to be renewed?

Yes, LEI numbers need regular renewal. The renewal process is required to ensure the LEI registration status is valid and the associated data in the Global LEI System is relevant and up to date. The maximum period of time the registration status is valid is one year since the registration (or previous renewal). LEIs that are not renewed get “Lapsed” status.

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What is LEI certificate?

The LEI Data record containing reference data for the Legal Entity Identifier can be recognized as “LEI Certificate”. It contains the fundamental identifying information about the legal entity including its place of business (headquarter address), legal address, its jurisdiction, registration information and more. It is expressed as an XML document or at LEI.INFO, as a semantic graph.

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How do I get a LEI number?

A company or any organization having a status of legal entity can get the LEI through the process of registration. The LEI registration results is obtaining the LEI number for the organization. The process includes the submission of details about the organization, its registration identification from a business registry and paying for the registration fee.

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What are the types of legal entity?

In general, there are two kinds of legal entities: human and non-human. In almost all legal systems a human entity is called a “natural” (or “physical”) person, and a non-human entity is called a legal entity. The terms: juridical, juristic, artificial, or fictitious person have also been used.
In Latin the term Persona Ficta was used.

For the purpose of LEI system the term “legal entity” as defined by ISO 17442 standard: “includes, but is not limited to, unique parties that are legally or financially responsible for the performance of financial transactions or have the legal right in their jurisdiction to enter independently into legal contracts, regardless of whether they are incorporated or constituted in some other way (e.g. trust, partnership, contractual). It excludes natural persons, but includes governmental organizations and supranationals.”

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How do you make a LEI?

The LEI code is generated as the result of the registration process. The process includes the submission of details about the organization, its registration identification from a business registry and paying for the registration fee. While the registration process can be initiated by the Ubisecure RapidLEI or Bloomberg, ultimately, the making of the LEI code is a task of LOU (Local Operating Unit) of the Global LEI system.

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What is your legal name?

The legal name of any legal entity is the name that appears in the registration database for the legal entities and it is also the fundamental identifier for the entity in the jurisdiction of its origin.

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How do I name my small business?

As the business name is the first and fundamental identification mechanism, you must choose a unique name for your company that is not used by others. The name should be relatively short, easy to spell and should convey some meaning. To find a unique name you should always conduct a trademark and internet domain name search.

What is the purpose of a trade name?

The purpose of a trade name is to identify a company among other companies. It is the company official name. However, in many jurisdictions, registering a specific trade name does not protect the name from use by other companies. To find a unique name you should always conduct a thorough trademark and internet domain name search.

What is LEI registration in India?

The Legal Entity Identifier India Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of The Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. acts as a Local Operating Unit (LOU) for issuing globally compatible Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) in India.

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What is a direct parent entity?

The Direct Parent, or “direct accounting consolidated parent” is defined as the lowest level legal entity preparing consolidated financial statements for the entity.

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How do you form an entity?

You can form a legal entity by the process called business registration. Every jurisdiction has its own assigned “registrar” for companies and other legal entities. After choosing a right name and preparing the necessary legal documents, you must approach on of company registers to make the registration.

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What is not a legal entity?

An organization that cannot perform legal acts, such as entering into contracts, suing and being sued, own property and other acts is not a legal entity.

What is legal entity example?

From legal perspective, a “legal entity” is any organization (a company or business) or even an individual human person, which can legally enter into a binding contract with another legal entity.

A few examples of legal entities: a corporation, a trust, a limited liability company, a sole proprietorship or a non-profit organization (like a charity).

Who issues LEI number?

The LEI number is issued by LOUs (Local Operating Units) of the Global LEI system as the result of the LEI registration process. The process includes the submission of details about the organization, its registration identification from a business registry and paying for the registration fee. While the registration process can be initiated by the Ubisecure RapidLEI or Bloomberg, ultimately, the making of the LEI code is a task of the LOU.

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Who needs an LEI code?

The LEI number is needed by any legal entity (or company) that is engaged in financial transactions monitored by financial regulators. Several European and international regulations requires the LEI number for compliance needs. However, every company that is interested in global visibility should have the LEI number.

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Why do I need a legal entity identifier?

You need the Legal Entity Identifier if you are a legal entity (or company) that is engaged in financial transactions monitored by financial regulators. Several European and international regulations requires the LEI number for compliance needs. However, every company that is interested in global visibility should have the LEI number.

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Do all trusts need an LEI?

It depends on the jurisdiction of the trust and the obligations to regulators in that jurisdiction. For example, since 2018, in European Union, according to the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MIFID II) and the European Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFiR) all institutional investors – including non-profit foundations – must indicate a valid LEI if they invest in government bonds, corporate bonds, ETFs and many other financial instruments. The investors involved in a transaction must report to regulators the LEIs of the participants involved in a transaction.

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